Fabiola Saavedra Caballero
I am a seasoned economist with 12+ years of experience designing, leading, and contributing to multiple research and operational initiatives related to the transition from education to the labor market, skills for work development and its relevance for the productive sector, human capital formation, innovation, productivity, the impacts of public policies in high-informality settings, and the evaluation of social protection programs in developing countries.
I have worked in the Education and the Labor Markets and Social Security Divisions at the Inter-American Development Bank, the East Asia and Pacific Chief Economist Office at the World Bank and the governments of Bolivia, Colombia and the UN. I also held a tenure-track position as an Assistant Professor at Universidad EAFIT in Colombia.
I am a Research Fellow at the Bolivian Academy of Economic Sciences; I am co-founder of the Bolivian Women in Economics Network (BOWEN) and was vice president of the Bolivian Society of Economists (SEBOL).